Saturday Symphony

Turn your room into a recording studio, and play iconic music from legendary videogames!

With your instrument, in your space, on your time. The Saturday Symphony is open to all band/orchestra musicians who have an instrument, a phone, and a place to record!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Download the sheet music for your instrument
  2. Record your part
  3. Upload your video!

Then we’ll stitch each part together into a video mosaic!

Here’s the music we’ve made so far!
“Comet Observatory” from Super Mario Galaxy

Become a part of our next arrangement: The Halo Main Theme!

This is probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When else are you going to get to play the Halo theme??

About the Saturday Symphony

You might’ve seen one before on YouTube; a video mosaic of different instruments all playing their own part. We’re taking this idea and thinking way bigger—why not let anyone join, from anywhere?

We want to use the magic of the internet for the things it does best—bringing people together, building an uplifting community, and teaching important skills for today’s digital age.

Making a difference in young musicians’ lives is core to our mission. By leveraging the incredible technology at our fingertips, we created an ensemble that anyone can join, from anywhere. Our focus is on students, but musicians from anywhere in their journey are welcome.

Expect challenging but rewarding music, and educational resources tailored for every step of the journey to get you to the next level.

Support Us

You can also support us instead! Help bring the Saturday Symphony to life.